Café da Manhã (Breakfast)
Café c/ leite (Coffee with Milk)
R$ 5,50
Coxinha (Drumstick)
R$ 7,50
Fritada (Egg fry)
R$ 7,50
Joelho (Cheese ham roll)
R$ 6,50
Misto quente (Grilled cheese)
R$ 8,00
Ovo cozido (Boiled egg)
R$ 2,00
Pão c/ manteiga (Bread with butter)
R$ 3,00
Pão com ovo (Bread with egg)
R$ 5,50
Pão na chapa (Grilled Bread)
R$ 4,50
Sanduíches (Sandwiches)
Carne assada (Roast beef)
R$ 13,00
Fritada (Egg fry)
R$ 7,50
Linguiça calabresa (Pepperoni)
R$ 10,00
Misto (Cheese with ham)
R$ 13,00
Bebidas (Beverages)
Antártica (600 ml)
R$ 11,00
Brahma Malzbier lata 350ml (It barks)
R$ 8,00
Brahma duplo malte
R$ 12,00
Budweiser (600 ml)
R$ 12,00
Caracu lata (It barks)
R$ 8,00
Corona (long neck)
R$ 11,00
Devassa (600 ml)
R$ 10,00
Heineken (600 ml)
R$ 18,00
Heineken (long neck)
R$ 11,00
Heineken lata 350ml (it barks)
R$ 11,00
Original (600 ml)
R$ 13,00
Stella Artrois (600 ml)
R$ 15,00
Stella Artrois (long neck)
R$ 10,00
Vinho Casal Garcia (taça) (Wine)
R$ 16,00
Vinho Galiotto (taça) (Glass Wine)
R$ 14,00
Vinho Quinado (taça) (Wine)
R$ 12,00
Refri. 1,5 litro
R$ 12,00
Refri. lata (It barks)
R$ 6,00
Suco de laranja 300ml (Orange juice)
R$ 8,50
Suco de laranja 500ml (Orange juice)
R$ 10,00
Água com gás 510 ml
R$ 6,00
Petiscos (Snacks)
Aipim Frito (Fries cassava)
R$ 30,00
Batata frita com queijo e bacon (French fries with cheese and bacon)
R$ 35,00
Batata frita (French fries)
R$ 27,00
Batata frita com queijo (French fries with cheese)
R$ 35,00
Calabresa acebolada com molho à campanha (Pepperoni with onions with campaign sauce)
R$ 32,00
Camarão à milanesa (Milanese Shrimp)
R$ 90,00
Camarão à paulista com alho e óleo (Shrimp Paulista style with garlic and oil)
R$ 80,00
Carne seca com aipim frito (Dried meat with fried cassava)
R$ 55,00
Contra filé com fritas com vinagrete (Against filet with fries with wood sauce)
R$ 60,00
Contra filé com molho à campanha (Against fillet with campaign sauce)
R$ 55,00
Costelinha suína frita com aipim (Fried pork ribs with cassava)
R$ 30,00
Frango a passarinho (Fried chicken)
R$ 40,00
Fígado acebolado (Liver with onions)
R$ 29,00
Gurjão de frango (1/2) (Chicken gurgeon)
R$ 22,00
Gurjão de frango (Chicken gurgeon)
R$ 40,00
Gurjão de peixe (Fish gurgeon)
R$ 45,00
Iscas de fígado (Liver baits)
R$ 33,00
Queijo coalho (Brazilian rennet cheese)
R$ 40,00
Batata frita (1/2) (French fries)
R$ 15,00
Batata frita com queijo (1/2) (French fries with cheese)
R$ 20,00
Bolinho de Bacalhau (1/2) (Cod fish frittes)
R$ 20,00
Calabresa Acebolada (1/2) (With onion)
R$ 17,00
Camarão à Paulista (1/2) (Shrimp with garlic)
R$ 45,00
Camarão à milanesa (Milanese shrimp) (1/2)
R$ 60,00
Carne seca com Aipim (Dry meat with yucca) (1/2)
R$ 35,00
Contra filé com cebola (Against filet With onion) (1/2)
R$ 36,00
Frango a passarinho (Fried chicken) (1/2)
R$ 25,00
Gurjão de Peixe (1/2) (Fish gurgeon)
R$ 25,00
Queijo coalho (1/2) (Brazilian cheese)
R$ 25,00
Porção Sardinha frita (6 unidades) (Portion fried sardines)
R$ 18,00
Porção Batata calabresa (Pepperoni potato portion)
R$ 15,00
Porção Bolinho bacalhau (12 unidades) (Portion codfish cake)
R$ 30,00
Porção Pastel (6 unidades) (Pastry portion)
R$ 30,00
Azeitonas (porção)
R$ 7,00
Coxinha (Drumstick)
R$ 7,50
Enroladinhode Salsicha (unidade)
R$ 6,00
Pastel camarão (1 unidade) (Shrimp Pastry)
R$ 7,00
Pastel de carne (1 unidade) (Meat Pastry)
R$ 5,00
Pastel de frango (1 unidade) (Chicken Pastry)
R$ 5,00
Pastel de queijo (1 unidade) (Cheese Pastry)
R$ 5,00
Rissole de camarão
R$ 6,50
Tábua Camarão à milanesa com batata frita e molho rosé (Milanese Shrimp with fries)
R$ 99,00
Tábua de Carne Seca com Aipim (Board Dried meat with cassava))
R$ 54,00
Tábua de Contra filé com Fritas (Against filet with fries)
R$ 75,00
Tábua de Linguiça acebolada com Fritas (Pepperoni with onion and fries)
R$ 45,00
Pratos Executivos (Executive Dishes)
Acompanhamento: Arroz, feijão e farofa (ou Arroz de brocólis).
Opcional: Maionese ou salada verde.
Almôndegas (Meatballs)
R$ 25,00
Bife a cavalo (Steak with egg on top)
R$ 38,00
Bife acebolado (Steak with onions)
R$ 24,00
Bife de Panela (Pan steak)
R$ 26,00
Bife à milanesa (breaded steak)
R$ 27,00
Bife à rolê (Rolling steak)
R$ 28,00
Bobó de Camarão (Shrimp stew)
R$ 30,00
Calabresa com Maionese (Pepperoni with mayonnaise)
R$ 23,00
Carne assada c/purê (Roast beef with mashed potato
R$ 28,00
Carne seca com abóbora (Dried meat with pumpkin)
R$ 27,00
Carré Grelhado (Grilled Rack)
R$ 25,00
Churrasco Misto com fritas (Mixed barbecue with fries)
R$ 32,00
Contra filé com fritas (Against filet with fries)
R$ 37,00
Costela de boi com batata (Rib with potato)
R$ 27,00
Costela suína com Aipim (Pork Rib with cassava)
R$ 24,00
Dobradinha com abóbora
R$ 28,00
Escalopinho ao molho madeira (Escalope in Madeira Sauce)
R$ 28,00
Filé de coxa no forno (Thigh fillet in the oven)
R$ 22,00
Filé de frango grelhado (Fllet chicken)
R$ 22,00
Filé de peixe (Filet fish)
R$ 24,00
Frango assado (Roast chicken)
R$ 23,00
Frango ensopado (Stew chicken)
R$ 23,00
Frango grelhado (Grilled chicken)
R$ 34,00
Frango à milanesa (Breaded chicken)
R$ 25,00
Fígado acebolado
R$ 32,00
Moqueca de peixe com pirão (Fish Moqueca with Pirão)
R$ 32,00
Orelha de porco com couve
R$ 26,00
Parmegiana de carne
R$ 40,00
Parmegiana de frango (Chicken parmigiana)
R$ 32,00
Picadinho de carne (Mince)
R$ 27,00
Rabada com agrião (Oxtail with watercress))
R$ 28,00
Strogonoff de carne (Beef stroganoff)
R$ 27,00
Strogonoff de frango (Chicken strogonoff)
R$ 25,00
Tilápia com Baião de dois (Tilapia with Baião de dois)
R$ 31,00
Lasanha de carne (lasagna meat)
R$ 34,00
Lasanha de frango (lasagna chicken)
R$ 27,00
Lasanha à bolonhesa (lasagna Bolognese)
R$ 27,00
Macarrão alho e óleo
R$ 24,00
Penne com Molho Branco
R$ 25,00
Acompanhamento: Couve mineira, rodelas de laranja, farofa, arroz branco e torresmo
(Braised cabbage, orange slices, farofa, With rice and crackling)
Feijoada (porção 2 pratos)
R$ 68,00
Torresmo à parte (1 copo)
R$ 5,00
Adicional de arroz
R$ 6,00
Adicional de feijão
R$ 5,00
Adicional de macarrão
R$ 6,00
Adicional de salada
R$ 6,00
Embalagem quentinha (viagem)
R$ 1,50
Caldos & Sopas (Soups)
Caldo de feijão (Bean broth)
R$ 24,00
Caldo verde (Green Soup)
R$ 18,00
Canja de galinha (Chicken soup)
R$ 18,00
Sopa de carne seca (Dry meat soup)
R$ 24,00
Sopa de ervilha (Pea soup)
R$ 24,00
Sopa de legumes (Vegetables soup)
R$ 23,00
Semanal (Weekly)
Segunda (Monday)
- Especial do dia: Bifé à rolê - R$ 28,00
(Beef Steak Rolls)
Contra filé com fritas (Against Filet with fries)
R$ 35,00
Frango Ensopado com batata (Chicken Stew with potato)
R$ 23,00
Carne assada com purê ou maionese (Roast Beef mashed)
R$ 28,00
Filé de frango com fritas e arroz à grega (Chicken fillet with fries)
R$ 24,00
Calabresa com fritas (Sausage pepperoni with fries)
R$ 23,00
Mocotó (Cow feet with Withe bean)
R$ 28,00
Parmegiana de Frango com fritas (Chicken parmigiana with fries)
R$ 32,00
Filé de peixe com salada ou legumes (Fish fillet with salad or Vegetables)
R$ 26,00
Churrasco Misto com fritas e Vinagrete (Mixed barbecue with fries)
R$ 32,00
Terça (Tuesday)
- Especial do dia: Dobradinha com abóbora
(Meat brazilian with pumpkins and White Bean)
Filé de frango com fritas ou purê
(Chicken fillet with fries)
R$ 25,00
Frango ensopado
(Chicken Stew with potato)
R$ 23,00
Carne assada com purê ou maionese
(Roast beef with mashed potatoes)
R$ 28,00
Filé de peixe com salada ou legumes
(Fish fillet with salad or Vegetables)
R$ 26,00
Contra filé com fritas (Against filet with fries)
R$ 35,00
Calabresa com fritas ou maionese (Sausage pepperoni with fries)
R$ 23,00
Parmegiana de Frango com batata palha (chicken parmigiana)
R$ 30,00
Costela de boi (Beef Rib)
R$ 24,00
Churrasco Misto com fritas (Mixed barbecue with fries)
R$ 32,00
Quarta (Wednesday)
- Especial do dia: Carne seca c/ abóbora - R$ 28,00
(Jerked beef with pumpkins)
Frango ensopado com batata
(Chicken Stew with potato)
R$ 23,00
Parmegiana de Frango com fritas (Chicken parmigiana with fries)
R$ 27,00
Strogonoff com batata frita ou palha
(lwith fries )
R$ 27,00
Calabresa com Maionese ou fritas (Sausage with fries)
R$ 23,00
Carne assada
(Roast beef with potato)
R$ 28,00
Contra filé com fritas (Against Filet with fries)
R$ 35,00
Churrasco Misto com fritas e Vinagrete (Mixed barbecue with fries)
R$ 32,00
Filé de peixe com legumes ou salada (Fish fillet with salad or Vegetables)
R$ 26,00
Filé de frango com fritas (Chicken fillet with fries)
R$ 23,00
Quinta (Thursday)
- Especial do dia: Rabada com Agrião - R$ 27,00
(Oxtail with watercress)
Churrasco Misto com fritas e Vinagrete (Mixed barbecue with fries)
R$ 32,00
Carne assada com purê
(Roast beef with mashed potatoes)
R$ 28,00
Filé de Peixe com salada ou fritas (Fish fillet with salad or fries)
R$ 26,00
Frango ensopado com batata
(Chicken Stew with potato)
R$ 23,00
Contra filé com fritas (Against filet with fries)
R$ 35,00
Bife acebolado (Beef with onion)
R$ 26,00
Filé de peito de Frango com batata frita (Chicken fillet with fries)
R$ 23,00
Calabresa com Maionese ou fritas (Sausage with fries)
R$ 23,00
Parmegiana de Frango com fritas (chicken parmigiana with fries)
R$ 28,00
Sexta (Friday)
- Especial do dia: Feijoada completa - R$ 36,00
(Complete Feijoada Brazilian)
Frango ensopado com batata
(Chicken Stew with potato)
R$ 23,00
Calabresa com Maionese ou fritas (Sausage with fries)
R$ 23,00
Filé de Peixe com salada ou fritas (Fish fillet with salad or fries)
R$ 24,00
Baião de dois com tilápia (Green Bean with fish Brazilian Tilápia)
R$ 32,00
Contra filé com fritas (Against filet with fries)
R$ 35,00
Filé de frango com fritas (Chicken fillet with fries)
R$ 23,00
Churrasco Misto com fritas e Vinagrete (Mixed barbecue with fries)
R$ 32,00
Parmegiana de Frango com fritas (Chicken parmigiana with fries)
R$ 32,00
Carne assada com purê ou maionese
(Roast beef with mashed potatoes)
R$ 28,00
Sábado (Saturday)
- Especial do dia: Frango Assado com batata - R$ 28,00
(Roast Chicken with potato)
Costela de suina (Pork Rib)
R$ 24,00
Frango ensopado com batata
(Chicken Stew with potato)
R$ 23,00
Churrasco misto com batata frita e vinagrete (Mixed barbecue with potato)
R$ 32,00
Filé de frango com fritas (Chicken fillet with fries)
R$ 24,00
Contra filé com fritas (Against Filet with fries)
R$ 35,00
Calabresa com Maionese ou fritas (Sausage with fries)
R$ 23,00
Parmegiana de Frango com fritas (Chicken parmigiana with fries)
R$ 32,00
Filé de Peixe com salada ou fritas (Fish fillet with salad or fries)
R$ 26,00
Carne assada com purê ou maionese
(Roast beef with mashed potatoes)
R$ 28,00
Domingo (Sunday)
- Especial do dia: Lasanha de carne - R$ 27,00. De Frango - R$ 25,00
Frango ensopado com batata
(Chicken Stew with potato)
R$ 23,00
Costela de boi com batata
(Beef Rib with potato)
R$ 24,00
Carne assada com batata ou maionese
(Roast beef with potato)
R$ 28,00
File de frango com fritas (Chicken fillet with fries)
R$ 23,00
Contra filé com fritas (Against filet with fries)
R$ 35,00
Bife acebolado (Beef with onion)
R$ 26,00
Parmegiana de Frango com fritas (chicken parmigiana with fries)
R$ 32,00
Churrasco Misto com fritas e Vinagrete (Mixed barbecue with fries)
R$ 32,00
Filé de Peixe com salada ou fritas (Fish fillet with salad or fries)
R$ 26,00